GCLA provides concrete support and access to goods and services that address family’s needs for food, shelter, clothing, health and other services:

√ Partners for Children South Los Angeles
GCLA is a part of this local collaborative network of health and human services organizations that partner to provide cross-agency care coordination for children and families.

√ Food Distribution Program
In cooperation with Watts Labor Community Action Committee, Fremont High School/LA Land Trust, Food Forward, Los Angeles Mission, Community Build & 88 Street Temple, GCLA offers a weekly food give away.

√ World Vision Southern California (Gift In-Kind Program)
A product donation partner that helps families, communities, organizations and the environment with clothing, food, furniture and plants.

√ Toy Loan Program
A free Toy Lending Service sponsored by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and the Department of Public Social Services
(Ages 0-18).